A Match for Monty by Copeland Joi

A Match for Monty by Copeland Joi

Author:Copeland, Joi
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2022-10-15T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Nine

Aspen hummed as she set the coffee pot on the stove. Last night with Monty brought her more joy than she'd experienced all of her life. When he returned home from work, they sat together and ate the very first supper she'd ever made. His praise still rang in her mind.

The talking after supper, as well as the kissing, sent tingles up and down her spine. She waved her hand in front of her face. Who knew married life could be so good? If her parents acted more like her and her husband, maybe she'd have an idea.

Aspen sobered. Her parents. Even though she'd only left a few days ago, she missed her family. She had so many questions about being a wife. Mama had the answers. Aspen thought about writing a letter to her mama, begging her to respond. Then reality set it. Along with it came Mama's insistence that if she left home, she'd no longer be considered a member of the family.

Sending Papa a letter wouldn't work, either. He made it clear no correspondence between them was necessary. Not unless Mama relented and wrote to Aspen first. She doubted that would ever happen.

Aspen blinked back the moisture in her eyes. Today, she chose not to dwell on the sadness of her family, but on the joy of spending the entire day with her new husband. Joy bubbled inside her as she filled two cups with coffee.

"Good morning, wife." Monty's whisper and arms around her waist sent butterflies dancing in her stomach.

Aspen leaned her back against his muscular chest. "Mm. Good morning, husband."

"I see you've got the coffee ready. What's to eat?" Monty nuzzled her neck.

Giggling, Aspen turned in his arms and ran her fingers on the back of his neck. "I have eggs in the pan on the stove. Biscuits are warming in the oven."

Monty's gray eyes deepened. "Perhaps we can wait for a little bit and fulfill another kind of appetite."

Warmth spread over Aspen's body at his meaning. "If we do that, the eggs will be rubbery for sure. Do you really want to risk it?"

"If I wasn't so hungry, it'd be worth it." Monty's lips captured hers.

A groan slipped through her lips. Monty brought the kiss to an end. She sighed and rested her head against his chest. His heart beat matched the speed of hers. "Your actions aren't matching with your words, husband."

Monty went rigid beneath her touch. He dropped his arms from around her waist and grabbed his coffee. After he set it on the table, he turned to the kitchen door. "I'll be back. I need to go see Lief at the mill before I take the rest of the day off."

"Oh, alright." Aspen's gaze lingered on the door long after her husband closed it behind him.

What just happened? One moment, they were having a good time, acting like a newly married couple. The next, he was practically as cold as the snow that fell every December back at home. What did she do wrong? She lifted the lid off the pan of eggs and stirred them with the wooden spoon.


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